Wednesday, 2 March 2011

MCITP-Day 1 (Networking Basic Information)

What is Network?

Inter connection of devices is Network

What is Networking?

Communication between interconnected devices.

Types of Networks: We are having 3 types of Networks.

1. LAN : Local Area Network.

  • Operate within a limited geographical location (Within Room, Office, Building or campus, university)
  • Provides full time connectivity to local services.
2. MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
  • Spans with in City.
  • Provides full time and part time connectivity
3. WAN: Wide Area Network
  • Operate over a large geographical location (Country to Country, City to City, State to Sate...etc different locations)
  • Provides full time and part time connectivity 
Requirements of Network:

  1. P.C/Devices
  2. O.S (Operating System)
  3. NIC (Network Interface Card)
  4. (Hub,Switch and Routers)
  5. Media (CAT cable and RJ45 Jack)
 Network Requirements  2:  O.S (Operating System):

O.S means Operating System. It is interface between user and device.

We are having two types of Operating Systems.

1. Server Operating System

2. Client Operating System

2.1 Server Operating System:

Server Operating System is called as Multi User Operating System and Network Operating System.

What is mean by server? , Server  provides services.

so Server Operating Systems provides services (We can see what are the services in further briefly)

2.2 Client Operating System:

Client Operating System also called as a Single User Operating System and Desktop Operating System

What is mean by client? , Client access the services.

so Client Operating System access the services from Server.

Network Requirements  3:  NIC (Network Interface Card)

The Network Interface Card is frequently called as NIC. It forms an interface between the networked device (computer) and the Ethernet (LAN).

Network Requirements  4: Hub, Switch, Router.

Hub: It is generally used to connect all devices on a network , so that they can communicate with each other.

It always Broadcasting.

Switch: Like Hub, it is also used to connect all devices on a network, so that they can communicate with each other.

It do first Broadcasting and from second time onwards it will do Uni cast.

Router: Router is device which allows communication between two or more different networks present in different geographical locations.

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